For some time now I've wanted to construct a CAJON, a South-American percussion instrument also much used in flamenco and gypsy music. It's a fairly easy instrument, in that it's in fact merely a "box" on which you sit. The space between your legs is the "head". Hitting it near the upward edge gives a sharp, short sound with attack, hitting it nearer the middle of the board gives more of a bass sound, hollower and longer. A few strings are strung inside the box, so that when you hit the head it leaves a short singing of clattering strings (like the snare drum of a modern drum kit).
Many different ways of construction and stringing are available on the internet, but there's no standard so some freedom is acceptable. So I started out three days ago with my own design and today it's all but finished. Here are some photos, a description of how I did it is coming up.
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